CLASS: Rueda de Casino 3-hour Intensive with Arthur and Xiu.
DATE/TIME: Saturday March 8th from 12:15-3:30.
DESCRIPTION: This three hour pop-up workshop has something to offer for all levels of Salseros and Casineros in our dance community.  The classes will be a Rueda de Casino intensive for three hours featuring classes for three levels: beginner, intermediate, and int/advanced. There will be something for everyone in these classes and the more classes you can take the more you can learn. We are lucky to not only have our in-house Rueda teacher Arthur, but also his lovely wife Xiu. Between the two of them students can not only learn proper lead and follow connection, but also many fine details of the moves, style, musicality, and footwork from BOTH the lead's and follow's perspective.
SUMMARY: Level 1 is about foundations, level 2 is about dynamic rueda and fun social dancing patterns and group moves, and level 3 is all about adding more complexity to your casino partnerwork as well as adding musicality, style, and groove into your dancing.
The level 1 beginner class will cover THE EIGHT basic moves that beginners need to know to dance in the Rueda de casino. This class is perfect for those with zero experience dancing casino. This class will also be very valuable to intermediate and even advanced dancers who want to improve and refine their foundations for the dance! Students will learn the timing, connection, and names of the foundational moves. Students will refine their knowledge of critical techniques to make dancing in the Rueda de Casino a smooth enjoyable experience.
The level 2 intermediate class will cover several intermediate level casino patterns that are both fun to dance in the Rueda de Casino and also for Cuban Salsa social dancing. In this class students will continue to dance all the moves from level 1, and will be challenged to adopt "combo moves" which bridge several Rueda calls back-to-back-to-back in more dynamic experiences. Additionally students in this level will learn group collaborative moves in the class.
The level 3 intermediate+advance class will cover more complex casino patterns known as "complicados." In addition to the complex patterns, students will also learn and practice how to add style and musicality into their dancing. The advanced class will dance fast-paced Ruedas and by challenged to add more style and flare into the dancing!

CLASS: 10 Week Rueda de Casino Performance Challenge with Arthur and Xiu.
DATE/TIME: Saturday Feb 22nd to Apr 26th from 11:00am-12:00pm.
SHOWCASE PERFORMANCE: Sunday May 4th, 2025
DESCRIPTION: This is a 10 week performance challenge where you will learn a group routine that will be performed at our student showcase.

CLASS: Rueda de Casino Level 1 with Arthur
DATE/TIME: Every Friday at 7:30pm


CLASS: Rueda de Casino Level 2 with Arthur
DATE/TIME: Every Tuesday at 7:30pm

Cuban Timba Salsa Dance Social Party
Every First Sunday of Month at 5:00pm to 10:00pm
Cover charge $15
NEXT DATE: Sunday, March 2nd, 2025
MUSIC: Salsa, Son, Afro timba, Rueda, Reggaeton with DJ Warapo
CLASS: Rueda de Casino with  Tania De La Pena 5:45pm to 6:30pm


Sunday, April 6th, 2025
Sunday, May 4th, 2025
Sunday, June 1st, 2025